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New arrivals in the realm of Spark
Two recent events in the world of the Spark RPG. Firstly, I have commissioned an excellent piece of art from Gabriel Verdon which I will be using for the Cover of the book. Lovely little piece and I thank him for his efforts. I will hold off from posting the image thus far, chiefly because […]
Continue readingCurrent Revisions
I am pleased to report that my design work has been progressing apace. I thought you fine folks might want an update. 1) I am officially out of the running for Game Chef 2010, but I have learned a great deal from the thoughtful reviews and the feedback I have acquired. My plan is to […]
Continue readingGame Design: Steps to Publish an RPG
This will be the first item in my “The Process of Design” series on my site. I am a relatively young designer, but I believe that I have gotten a decent grasp on the overall process for successful game design. I have learned a great deal concerning design due to the excellent designer and podcasting […]
Continue readingA Sojourn in Alexandria – Virtue’s Edge
I am pleased to announce that I have managed to complete a playable game for Game Chef 2010. In the spirit of the competition and my personal whims, I am releasing the work to the Public Domain. Use it for absolutely anything, any where, any time. Love to hear if you play the game or […]
Continue readingGame Chef 2010 – A Sojourn in Alexandria
Over the next 10 days I will be working on a Game Chef 2010 entry, where I am assembling a game focused on the aspects of “City”, “Desert” and “Edge”. I hope to produce a playable game and if I am successful, I will post it for free download for all and sundry. You will […]
Continue readingThe Lay of the Land
I have had a bit of progress with Spark of late and I thought I would explain where I am at in a bit more detail. My master plan is to produce a single printed book which will be 8 chapters in length. The first four chapters would contain everything you need to play or […]
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