Genesis of Legend Publishing is proud to present our Legendary Playtester forums. These private forums are home to generous game designers, hackers, masters, and players who are providing feedback on our latest games. Within these walls, you will get advanced access to the newest games in development from Genesis of Legend Publishing and be credited in the book. We will give you what you need to run playtest sessions at home or on the go, so that we can refine each of our games to be the best they can be. We are particularly interested in hearing feedback from underrepresented voices such as women, people of colour, people with disabilities, and indigenous individuals.
We are interested in all levels of participation including reading reviews, single-session tests, or test campaigns. Each playtest packet will include a questionnaire to collect feedback from your group, and we will gladly listen to any audio recordings of your tests.
The Safety Rules
This is an experiment in intentional, inclusive and welcoming community building on the internet which is no easy feat. The rules and norms of the these playtest forums will evolve over time and should guide all of our interactions.
1. Safety: Abusive behaviour including sexism, racism, transphobia, or other forms of discrimination are not tolerated this space.
2. Respect: Everyone here is a peer worthy of equal respect, no matter experience or design tradition.
3. Empathy: Everyone here is areal person with their own commitments, stresses, and needs. Speak to each other as if you were in the same room.
4. Understanding: Everyone here is trying to learn and improve, who deserves a chance to fix mistakes within reason.
5. Open-Door: Everyone here can choose their own level of engagement and can join or leave freely.
6. Focus: We share the spotlight and elevate the quieter voices in this space. This also means that we stay on topic in given threads to ensure that everyone has a chance to contribute.
7. Privacy: Any information or feedback in this space will be taken in confidence. We will respect each other’s privacy and treat them as we would wish to be treated.
8: Disclosure: We encourage you to discuss your playtest experiences outside of this space. Feel free to tell folks about the promising elements of any game or the places that need more work. We only ask that you be restrained in sharing the text of playtesting documents with the public. Much of what we share here has not yet been edited professionally or reviewed by all of the relevant subject matter experts.
9. Moderation: Moderators are responsible for managing these spaces, and there will be one primary moderator for each of the lounges. We are responsible for guiding conversations and enforcing these rules/norms. Moderators may end discussions on a given topic or remove a member who is causing harm to others in this space. We are otherwise normal participants and will take care to use their administrative responsibility in a measured way to keep this positive for everyone.
If you want to participate in this program, please register here: