Whenever I run workshops to teach new tabletop game designers, I produce a set of worksheets to help them explore their ideas. The latest iteration of these sheets are now ready for people to use and enjoy.
The PDF document presented below contains a total of 6 letter-sized worksheets which you can print on a home printer. Each of these pages addresses a different area of design and should be a useful aid in starting a conversation. Each of the sheets has a list of questions for the designer to answer.
- The Concept of the game, why it exists.
- The System, the rules and procedures of play.
- The Setting, or the fictional context of play.
- The Situation, or the reason that the characters are acting.
- The Subtext, or how the game relates to real world concerns.
- The Production, planning how the game can be manufactured and shared.
I would love to get feedback from folks, both experienced designers and new ones. Please feel free to contact me at genesisoflegend at gmail