As many of you are likely aware, there is currently a massive wildfire that is devastating the city of Fort McMurray, in Northern Alberta, Canada. The first fire advisories went out on Sunday, and by Wednesday it had incinerated most of the city.
It’s a complex situation, but it boils down to “Uncontrolled fire is terrible”. They have successfully evacuated the entire city and many hamlets that surrounded it, with approximately 88,000 people fleeing the disaster. Many of the residents of the city have lost their homes and everything they owned.
Genesis of Legend Publishing wants to help, as much as we can. I want to help those working to keep these people safe in this difficult time. To that end, Genesis of Legend Publishing will be donating all proceeds from sales between May 4th and May 11th to the Canadian Red Cross. This donation will be matched by the Province of Alberta and the Canadian Federal Government, so every dollar we give yields three dollars on the ground.
Do you want to support those people escaping the wildlfire? Buy a game for yourself or a friend, and we can make that happen. Everything in our catalog qualifies. This includes digital sales (DrivethruRPG), and sales of physical products from our website. This also includes any direct sales to retail stores, if they occur. I am absolutely aware of the irony of selling copies of my game “Spark” to comfort people recover from wildfires.
Please spread the word, because uncontrolled wildfires are terrible.
My physical catalog is over at
DriveThruRPG also sells electronic version of my games at
Note: Not interested in discussing climate change, oil extraction, criticism of the Red Cross, or perceived failure to support more worthy causes. Right now, I’m only worrying about helping suffering humans.