So, Machine Age Productions will be releasing a brand new RPG at GenCon 2011 by the title of Amaranthine. “Amaranthine is a game about yesterday, now, and forever. Amaranthine are immortal, destined to reincarnate from here until eternity. They’ve lived many lives before, and every other immortal they meet, they’ve met before.”
I pitched in on the Kickstarter drive and in honour of their release, I volunteered to produce a hack of the game system. This is a hack of their resolution system, which replaces the dice with a chess board. I hope some of you immortals enjoy playing the eternal game!
You can find it here and it is released under a Creative Commons, Attribution, Non-Commercial, Share Alike License. This hack was produced by Genesis of Legend Publishing, but I chose to cede all rights to Machine Age Productions
Have fun and feel free to leave a comment if you have any thoughts concerning the hack.