RPG Design Panelcast is Migrating!

Hello to all listeners of the #RPGDesignPanelcast!

To date, I have been hosting this podcast on my website, which has worked well for years. Unfortunately, it’s using an in increasing amount of server resources and it’s interfering with the website itself working as intended! To that end, I have just migrated the website over to a professional, paid hosting solution.

What this means is…

1) You won’t be getting any new episodes in this feed.
2) You can get all of the episodes, both new and old, over at http://genesisoflegend.podbean.com/

Please head on over there, and resubscribe to the new feeds. I look forward to using a paid podcast host, because it will make the production and posting of new episodes and encourage me to get more of them out the door.

Thank you for your time, and happy listening!