Playtesters Wanted!

Playtesting is at the heart of game design and publication. That’s why Genesis of Legend Publishing is looking for a crew of volunteer playtesters who would be willing try out our newest games in development. We are looking to get a wide variety of folks to test the rules, point out where the mechanics break, or highlight confusing text. Whether you are an experienced designer or a new player, we would love your insight so we can make the best games for everyone. We are particularly interested in hearing feedback from underrepresented voices such as women, people of colour, people with disabilities, and indigenous individuals.

By signing up to this list, you are opting in to be notified of any new playtest opportunities by Genesis of Legend Publishing into the future. If you are interested in testing any game, we will gladly send you the relevant playtest documents for you to use at the table. You are under no obligation to test any particular game, but will be credited in the book if you do participate.

We are interested in all levels of participation including reading reviews, single-session tests, or test campaigns. Each playtest packet will include a questionnaire to collect feedback from your group, and we will gladly listen to any audio recordings of your tests. If this sounds interesting to you, we would invite you to fill out the form below and join the Legendary Playtest Crew!

If you have any questions or concerns, please email us ( or get in touch on twitter (@genesisoflegend).

A pair of potential playtesters being interviewed by our professional staff.

Sign up Here!

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